Our STREAMY nominated show was featured on WIRED magazine and BBC with millions of views, and reposts from the directors we homaged.
Disney Studios commissioned us to create a pixel art animation teasing the intro of the story for the theatrical release of Strange World
Character profiles for social media posts
Our After Effects work in the animation.
We’ve teamed up with Bandai Namco to give you a pixelated retelling of Oliver’s journey in Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It was amazing to work from Studio Ghibli's deck of beautifully hand drawn characters to bring the world of Ni no Kuni to life in 16bit form.
Music Video
We made a collection of short PSA videos for IGN's website last April at the beginning of lockdown. It was to help teach people about the CDC guidelines to flatten the curve of the virus.... they still hold up today.
Music Video
We teamed up with Yostar games to make this launch promo for their game, 'Revived Witch'.
We teamed up with Bandai Namco for this promo. Catch up on the TEKKEN story with Part #1 of the Official TEKKEN 8-Bit Cinema Retro Recap! Get ready to experience the epic conclusion of the Mishima Saga when TEKKEN 7 releases on PS4, XB1, and PC on June, 2nd.
We teamed up with Bandai Namco for this promo. Catch up on the TEKKEN story with Part #2 of the Official TEKKEN 8-Bit Cinema Retro Recap! Experience the epic conclusion of the Mishima Saga NOW in TEKKEN 7 on PS4, XB1, and PC!
Music Video
In honor of the Definitive Series, take a trip down memory lane with our 8-bit recap of Clementine’s journey! A collaboration we did with Skybound Entertainment.
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A promo series we did for Dead by Dawn, a new show by Nat Geo, and Skybound with the creator of The Walking Dead. Nature series about predators at night coming head to head with each other. Aired on Hulu.
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Music Video
A UK tv spot we produced for Charlie Brooker's show 'How Videogames Changed the World' on Channel 4. He explains just how important Videogames are in society today.